If you have a vehicle, you must have insurance in most states. Without insurance in Pennsylvania, you could be fined, have your registration suspended, have your driver’s license suspended, and much more. It’s a headache waiting to happen on top of dealing with a car accident that would result in needing the insurance in the first place. Insurance is there to keep you safe, not to inconvenience you. Auto insurance does come with some awesome perks. You can get rewards just for being a remarkable person and a safe driver. It comes through various discounts lowering your bill but keeping your coverage.
What kind of discounts can you get?
● Driver Discounts: A few factors that determine your auto insurance rate would be your age, how long you’ve been driving, if you’ve had any previous accidents before, what type of vehicle you drive, and more. All of the factors can result in a driver discount.
● Affiliation Discount: If you are part of specific groups such as being an active military member, being a firefighter, a police officer, an EMT, etc. can give you an affiliation discount.
● Student Discount: Being a student is hard work. Your auto insurance can take some of that burden off when they see your grades are staying high.
● Good Driver Discount: This discount is a little self-explanatory, but still impressive. When you go three to five years without any tickets or claims filed, you could qualify for this discount. You’ve proven that you’re a great driver, and you deserve a reward!
● Policy Discounts: If you have more than one policy or more than one vehicle, you can lump them together to get some money off of your payment. This is a way for the insurance company to say thank you for continuing your business with them.
● Policy Payment Discounts: Some insurance companies offer discounts for going paperless, not only helping the environment but ensuring their system says up to date electronically. You can get discounts for paying your bill on time or even setting up auto-pay, so the insurance company gets their money on time each month without hesitation.
When it comes to your auto insurance, there are so many ways you can save money. With all of these discounts, it’s silly not to have it. Give us a call today to see what we can do for you!