Car insurance, simply put, is an agreement between you and your insurance company that limits your out-of-pocket payments if your vehicle is damaged or stolen. As winter approaches, accidents are prone to increase. Don’t get caught sliding into a ditch! Read on to learn more about auto insurance.
Do you need coverage?
Yes. In every state except Virginia and New Hampshire, licensed drivers are required to have auto insurance. That being said, you should get insurance even if it’s not a requirement. Accidents can be costly not only to your wallet but to your mind and body. If you get in a scrap, you’ll want the least of your concerns to be if you can pay for it all.
Commonly, there are 5 types of auto insurance:
- Liability: Obligatory in most states. This type of auto insurance protects you and your vehicle with property damage and bodily injury liability clauses.
- Collision: Collision coverage helps cover damage done to objects that could have been hit while driving. It’s protection for everything damaged outside of your car.
- Personal Injury Protection: This insurance covers your and your passengers’ medical bills regardless of fault in an accident. It can also protect against job income loss.
- Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Protection: A specific coverage that protects you in an accident against a driver who isn’t insured. It will also assist in coverage if the other drivers’ coverage limits are too low to pay expenses. Including this protection will help minimize your expenses and prevent any surprise payments.
- Comprehensive: A sweeping baseline coverage, comprehensive insurance coverage is a blanket security coverage for ‘everything else’. Often it includes fire, theft, vandalism, flood, and in case of location, hailstorms and deer collisions.
Auto insurance can be expensive, but there are some ways to save, including:
- Shopping for premiums
- Increasing your deductible
- Lowering your policy limits
- Driving safely
- Bundling insurance
- Paying your bills on time
Still confused? Call Bleiler Insurance for a free quote and information on how to be insured with peace of mind on the road, at home, and in your business!